A quantitative peptidomic analysis of peptides related to the endogenous opioid and tachykinin systems in nucleus accumbens of rats following naloxone-precipitated morphine withdrawal

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Published: 2009-01-23

Formatted citation

Rossbach U, Nilsson A, Fälth M, Kultima K, Zhou Q, Hallberg M, Gordh T, Andren PE, Nyberg F.. A quantitative peptidomic analysis of peptides related to the endogenous opioid and tachykinin systems in nucleus accumbens of rats following naloxone-precipitated morphine withdrawal.
J Proteome Res. (2009). DOI: 10.1021/pr800669g


We have applied a recently developed label-free mass spectrometry based peptidomic approach to identify and quantify a variety of endogenous peptides from rat nucleus accumbens following withdrawal in naloxone-precipitated, morphine-dependent rats of two separate strains. We focused on maturated, partially processed and truncated peptides derived from the peptide precursors proenkephalin, prodynorphin and preprotachykinin. The expression of several identified peptides was dependent on strain and was affected during morphine withdrawal.